Thursday, April 23, 2009

RMAN - Recovery Catalog

I am trying to configure RMAN Catalog..
target db in linux = db name rock, db id 3304705878
recovery cat in xp = db name rock db id 3255117147 (rocklinux in tns entry for accessing Linux Dabaase)
Enter user-name: sys@rock as sysdba
Enter password:
Connected to:
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP and Data Mining options

1. sql> create tablespace rman_ts
datafile 'D:\ORACLE\PRODUCT\10.2.0\ORADATA\ROCK\rman_01.dbf' size 20m
autoextend on

2. create user rman1
identified by rman1
quota unlimited on rman_tsd
efault tablespace rman_ts;

3.SQL> grant recovery_catalog_owner to rman1;
Grant succeeded.
SQL> grant connect, resource to rman1;
Grant succeeded.

H:\>rman catalog rman1/rman1@rock log=D:\catalog.log
RMAN> create catalog tablespace rman_ts;
RMAN> exit

H:\>rman target sys/rock@rocklinux

Recovery Manager: Release - Production on Wed Apr 22 12:49:23 2009

Copyright (c) 1982, 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.

connected to target database: ROCK (DBID=3304705878)

RMAN> connect catalog rman1/rman1@rock

connected to recovery catalog database

RMAN> register database;

database registered in recovery catalog
starting full resync of recovery catalog
full resync complete

SQL> conn rman1/rman1@rock
SQL> select * from rc_database;

---------- ---------- ---------- -------- ----------------- ---------
1 2 3304705878 ROCK 516893 20-APR-09

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